

BSR’S 香港六合彩直播开奖 mentoring programme is a member-to-member scheme, matching individuals to an experienced colleague to support and encourage personal and professional development.

What we do
  • We offer two individual programmes, one for developing 香港六合彩直播开奖 professionals, and one for academics
About the programme
  • BSR members can be part of one or both programmes and can register as a mentor and/or be mentored
  • Relationships can be as long or as short as you need and conducted in a way that suits your needs
As a mentee you can:
  • Learn from mentor knowledge and expertise to focus on what is needed to grow professionally and realise potential
  • Gain specific skills and knowledge relevant to personal goals
  • Develop your professional network
As a mentor you can:
  • Enhance your own skills in developing others
  • Gain insights into the needs of newly qualified professionals
  • Develop strong and enjoyable connections with your peers
  • Actively engage and help shape the career of fellow members
  • Take the opportunity to reflect on your career as well as build on your own skillset

ATTENTION: We are currently reviewing our mentoring scheme. Please contact mentoring@香港六合彩直播开奖 if you have any questions. 

Register interest in the scheme

If you're a member, please contact: mentoring@香港六合彩直播开奖 for more info. We will be opening up registration Autumn 2023.

Become a member today

Please sign up for membership to join the mentoring scheme.

Join now
My relationship with my mentor is an important part of my transition from doctoral student to post-doctoral researcher
Post-doctoral researcher
It's a very supportive relationship and a safe space to think new thoughts without making commitments
Mentoring's a great opportunity to support an academic trainee from another area working in 香港六合彩直播开奖
It's been beneficial to have someone outside my organisation – I don't think I would have found such a relationship at this early stage in my career without this scheme